Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Rock Island

We started yesterday with 25 miles of hills and then we crossed the river into Savannah, Illinois and were greeted by lovely flat prairies. The crossing was about 3 miles of sloughs and then a pretty scary bridge over the main channel. Instead of pavement we had to ride on metal grating with a strong crosswind. The side rail was only hip high and we were quite thankful for the lack of traffic. 
Illinois did not have a sign to welcome us but they had something even better. 60 miles of signed and separated bike trails along the river. A lot of the trail was through wildlife refuge and restored prairies. Very beautiful and relaxing. 
We were at 84 miles when we reached the end of the trail so we stopped in Rock Island. Today's ride should be fairly flat but we won't go through many towns and we'll need to carry some extra food. 

1 comment:

  1. I should definitely envy you! You've seen and experienced a lot :)) I hope you and Dad can make it on the Guinness World Record for biking awesomely!
