Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Crow Wing State Park

We started the day with a soak in the hotel hot tub and breakfast at a local coffee shop. The trail stayed smooth and we passed through a town having their annual bean festival. People were lined up for blocks with their souvenir cups to taste the local beans that had been cooking all night. We didn't stand in the line but we did try the kabob side dish. It was brat pieces rolled in bacon and grilled. Delicious but not a good idea for every day. 
The next town was having their weekly turtle races. The kids bring their turtles to 
town and race them while the adults place bets. We saw a turtle speeding across the road soon after but it was too late to register him. 
We ended the Paul Bunyan Trail in Brainerd and were told that there was a new trail to the state park. After 3 sets of wrong directions we ended up on the busy road anyway and added 15 miles to the day for a total of 89.
This park is beautiful but the mosquitos are feasting on us and the showers only had cold water. We'll be looking for a hotel tomorrow.

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