Sunday, July 20, 2014


For some reason the people in the next tent decided to get up at 4:00AM and weren't all that quiet. By 5:00 we gave up and got out of our tent only to find 50 people in line for the kybos. (Iowa's unique word for the port a potty) After a cup of watery coffee we hit the road around 6:30 with thousands of other riders. The 68 mile day turned out to be 76 but we still got into camp by 1:30.  There are a lot more men on this ride than there are women. When we rolled into camp the men's shower line was about an hour long and I was able to just walk right in and shower. Payback! 
  Along the way we enjoyed a lot of great Iowa food and hospitality. For my daily pie I had a slice of rhubarb. It came with a crumble topping. I've never had it that way before but I will be searching for another slice.
 This was a beautiful day. Not too hot yet and when we headed north for a couple miles we were coasting at almost 20 mph with the tail winds. 
And this week we aren't carrying our own packs. I can really tell the difference!

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