Monday, July 14, 2014

Red Wing

Today we rode 67 miles to Red Wing. We had paved trails leaving St Paul and through Hastings and into Red Wing. The route changed direction a lot because we had to go around lakes and cross rivers but we flew when we were going Southeast due to a tail wind up to 20 mph. We had the first real climb of the trip and were happy to still be able to do it at our age. 
The River is getting broader and the land is less North Woods and more farmland. 
Craig found a corn field high enough that he could practice for RAGBRAI !
The last 5 miles were on a trail through wetlands that we had to pay a fee to ride. Well worth the price as we saw a blue heron and avoided the gravel trucks. 
  I'm still amazed at the hotel prices. $107 for a room in an historic downtown hotel with a view of the river from our room and a separate room for bike storage.

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